Easter Holiday
CCMoz, Apr 22 2014
Easter Holiday (so far)
The great thing about being a teacher are the amount of holidays. True, I put in the hours when working to make up for the time off but with 5 days left until I go back I am bored.
So far this holiday I have:
Done several large dog walks,
Seen friends and a couple of nights out,
Caught up on lots of sleep and errands / chores,
Started training again at the gym.
Today as been a lazy one - shopping, Dota 2 and catching up with Game of Thrones.
Highlight = half price (cooked) roast chicken breasts that were very tasty.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to going to the seaside with my friends Tommy and the Dogs, possibly plan the Yorkshire Three Peak walk at the end of May and gamble on some horses.
Not really bothered about poker at the minute so I will play a modest 1000k hands per day @ 25nl zoom with a starting BR of $475.
End goal - make a little bit of spend for summer holidays.
EDIT - 1023 hands down. BR $413.21. Pro.
Currently, as I type this I have a Weimeraner pretending to be my best friend. Sneaky one is after my sausage roll but I am wise to her tricks! 